Friday, December 15, 2006

10 Things to do on your holiday











Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Happy Holidays

My Dear Friends,

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you! This should be my last blog till early January as I am going on leave! I hope you guys have a wonderful blessed festive season, remember to always make the best of it, and enjoy every minute of your holidays!!!



Christmas is a time for love and fun, A time to reshape souls and roots and skies, A time to give your heart to everyone
Freely, like a rich and lavish sun, Like a burning star to those whose lonely sighs Show need of such a time for love and fun.
For children first, whose pain is never done, Whose bright white fire of anguish never dies, It's time to give your heart to every one,
That not one angel fall, to hatred won For lack of ears to listen to her cries, Or arms to carry him towards love and fun,
Or friends to care what happens on the run To adult life, where joy or sadness lies. It's time to give your heart to everyone,
For God loves all, and turns His back on none, Good or twisted, ignorant or wise. Christmas is a time for love and fun, A time to give your heart to everyone.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Its a Race

Its a Race .....

Its a Race.....

Im winning.....

Im winning....

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Robbie Wessels

Ek moet se Hy is een van my favorites om my gusteling musiek lys, ek kan aanhou na hom luister! Ek weet nie of julle hom ken nie maar hy rock! Julle moet julle self n guns doen en net na een van sy songs luister, soos "LeeuLoop, of Verbode Vrugte" Wel die wat nie weet wie hy is, hier is so bietjie inligting oor hom - Geniet!!!!

Robbie Wessels het op ‘n plaas naby Kroonstad in die Vrystaat groot geword en hy het nou nog die letsels van daardie sorgelose kinderdae. "Daar het ons vis gevang en springhase gejag. Ek het een aand op my verjaardag agter ‘n springhaas aan in die draad vasgehardloop en moes steke in my lip kry . Tydens ‘n visvangsessie het ‘n hoek my middelvinger gehaak. En dan was daar die keer toe ons ‘n gasbom praktiseer en die longdrop opgeblaas het…. " Dis die dinge wat my bybly en dit is die ondervindinge wat aanleiding gegee het tot die songs op sy albums. Robbie het ‘n bekoorlike rasperstem. Robbie is ‘n folkrock-verteller, gegrond op sy ervarings.
Geboortename: Robert Albert Wessels
Verjaarsdag: 30 Oktober (1980)
Lengte: 1,72 m
Gewig: 84kg
Broekgrootte: 36
Hempgrootte: Medium
Haarkleur: Bruin
Oekleur: Bruin
Skoengrootte: 9 en ‘n half

‘n paar Geheime…..

Ek kou my naels.
Ek huil maklik.
Ek is skrikkerig vir ‘n hoender en ‘n uil.
Ek het erg hoogtevrees.
Ek kry maklik griep.
Ek is baie skaam.
Oor my grootste geheim praat ek nie uit nie. Dit is soos om van jouself te skinder…..
Het jy geweet…..
Ek dink Penelope Cruz is die mooiste vrou op aarde…
Ek gaan gereeld kerk toe
Ek skryf my liedjies op papier wat in die huis rondle…
Ek wil iewers in die bosveld aftree.
Australiaanse krieketkommentators irriteer my
Ek is gek oor waterski
Ek het al verskeie kere ophou rook…
Grootste verleentheid….
"Ek het in die Spar ingestap so twee maande nadat Gauteng-Aleng oppie lug gekom het. Baie impressed toe die een dame my erken loop ek toe na die vleisrak toe. Twee minute later was ek egter minder impressed toe my boetie my broek aftrek…. Gelukkig het ek ‘n onderbroek aangehad….."

Gereelde vrae…..

Vraag: As jy jouself in een sin moet beskryf, wat sal dit wees?
Antw: Vriendelik en Vrygewig, ek maak soms ‘n berg van ‘n molshoop maar ek is lief vir die lewe en my mense.
Vraag: Vir wie en wat het jy die grootste bewondering en hoekom?
Antw: Vir God want elke afdraapaadjie ken ek. Elke keer het ek verdwaal. Elke keer het Hy my iewers kom haal.
Vraag: Wat maak jou kwaad?
Antw: Wanneer ons eie mense mekaar seermaak in plaas van saam mekaar staan.
Vraag: Wat maak jou glimlag?
Antw: Mense wat gelukkig is, wat lag en saamsing en drukkies gee.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The New Harry Potter Movie

Ai I can’t wait for this movie to start next year! I think its going to be one of the best Harry potter movies they’ve made! I don’t know if you guys watch Harry Potter, if you don’t, you don’t know what you missing!!!!! Write the date down in your dairy for next year and go watch the movie!!! I’m definitely going!!!!!

“Harry must battle the evil Lord Voldemort as well as the misguided agents of the Ministry of Magic.”

Release Date: July13, 2007

Monday, December 04, 2006

The Joy Of Being

Living in joyful harmony with life is not that difficult at all. What can be difficult is getting away from the negative patterns that have become so comfortable and familiar.
It helps when you can remind yourself often of who you are and who you are not. You are not your problems or your pleasures, and are not the collection of material objects and concerns that surround you.
You are the awareness that can find meaning and bring out purpose in it all. You are the experience of being alive and the wisdom that is able to rise above the commotion.
The negativity you wish to escape is with you only as long as you hold on to it. Can you choose to let it fall cleanly away from you?
Of course you can, and the question to ask yourself is this. When will you?
Remember that you are more than anything that could bring you down. Let go, and let the joy of being rise peacefully to the surface.